Saxony ducks originated in Germany and were imported to the U.S. in 1984 by Dave Holderread. They are listed as threatened on The Livestock Conservancy’s breed list, however I fear they are moving towards critical as you don’t see many breeders working with them any longer. We breed towards the standard of perfection in our flock but also expect our birds to be hardy on pasture and be good production birds as well. The breed is classified as a heavy breed although it is the smallest in the heavy category. They weigh on average of 8-9 lbs at maturity. They are considered a dual purpose breed being a decent layer of large eggs and also a good table bird. However they are much slower to mature then Pekins. They are a fairly laid back breed as are most of the heavy breeds, but are still active foragers if kept on pasture. We have had a closed flock for several years and continue to work on size and conformation.


Ancona Ducks