5 Secrets of Livestock breeding
In recent years, the livestock industry has grown faster than ever before. Some people are starting their own operations for the first time, but don’t know where to begin. This article has the answers.
First, Do tangible research. Just because you see a breeder selling an animal for xxx amount of dollars doesnt mean that person is profiting all that amount. Most small farmers do not grow their own crops and therefor their largest expense is that of animal feed.
Second, Know what you can handle. Is this one type of animals or many? How long does it take them until you can generate revenue off them. How much land does the type of animal you want to raise take.
Third, Plan your layout and build it prior to getting animals. Why is that? Well once you get animals time will fly past you and then you will be spending most of your day feeding, cleaning and working your new farm. And guess what? you will quickly not have time to build your plan out, let alone the finances to fund more projects.
Fourth, Have support and buy in from family. Dont think you can go it alone. You will quickly be drained down if the rest of your family sits inside while you are out humping to keep your new farm going. Nothing will make you fill bad till you feel you are alone.
Fifth, Have an exit plan. You will consume your life around the livestock. No vacations and limited free time. Do you plan to do this for a few years and sell everything off to the sale barn for pennies that you invested? Do you plan on passing the legacy on to the next generation? What if you get sick or injured? Is there anyone who can help you or will the life beings die because now you cant care for them.