Buckeye Hatching Eggs
The price listed is per egg. We work with many breeds and keep all of our birds on pasture year round. So breeding groups are only separate and up during a very short time period in the spring. You can order outside of this time frame but you will be placed on the waiting list in the order they are received. We do contact you 1 week prior to shipping to insure that you are available to receive them so please leave us a valid email and phone number with the checkout. We do our shipping on either Monday or Tuesday of the week to insure that they can be delivered prior to the weekend. We only ship within the USA. An order is a maximum of 24 eggs for the flat rate shipping cost. If you are wanting more than that you will need to do a separate transaction for each 2 dozen.
The price listed is per egg. We work with many breeds and keep all of our birds on pasture year round. So breeding groups are only separate and up during a very short time period in the spring. You can order outside of this time frame but you will be placed on the waiting list in the order they are received. We do contact you 1 week prior to shipping to insure that you are available to receive them so please leave us a valid email and phone number with the checkout. We do our shipping on either Monday or Tuesday of the week to insure that they can be delivered prior to the weekend. We only ship within the USA. An order is a maximum of 24 eggs for the flat rate shipping cost. If you are wanting more than that you will need to do a separate transaction for each 2 dozen.
The price listed is per egg. We work with many breeds and keep all of our birds on pasture year round. So breeding groups are only separate and up during a very short time period in the spring. You can order outside of this time frame but you will be placed on the waiting list in the order they are received. We do contact you 1 week prior to shipping to insure that you are available to receive them so please leave us a valid email and phone number with the checkout. We do our shipping on either Monday or Tuesday of the week to insure that they can be delivered prior to the weekend. We only ship within the USA. An order is a maximum of 24 eggs for the flat rate shipping cost. If you are wanting more than that you will need to do a separate transaction for each 2 dozen.
If you are purchasing out of season you will be placed n the waiting list. If you still desire to have them shipped outside of our normal shipping times then you will assume all responsibility for decreased fertility and hatchability.